Exclusive Opportunities |
Benefits |
Conference Bags
- General Session with Keynote (2 available)
Opening Networking Reception
Hotel Room Key Card
- One 10x20 booth in the exhibit hall
- 5 full-conference registrations
- Hanging signage over booth in exhibit hall
- Premium listing in exhibitor directory (logo & 50 word description)
- Full-page ad in printed conference program
- Company logo on event signage
- Company logo included in program thank-you page
- Company logo and link on SBC website
Platinum Level-$15,000 |
Exclusive Opportunities |
Benefits |
Conference Notebook
On Site Conference Program Book
Relaxation Station
Wi-Fi & Internet Cafe
- Tier One 10x10 Booth in exhibit hall
- 4 full-conference registrations in total
- Signage at booth in exhibit hall
- Premium listing in exhibitor directory (logo & 50 word description)
- Half Page ad in printed program
- Company logo on event signage
- Company logo included in program thank-you page
- Company logo and link on SBC website
Gold Level-$10,000 |
Exclusive Opportunities |
Benefits |
Conference Mobile App
President's Reception
- Shoeshine Station
Water Stations
- 3 full-conference registrations;
- Upgraded Listing in the Exhibitor Directory (50 word description)
- Signage at booth in exhibit hall
- Quarter page Ad in Conference Program
- Company logo on event signage,
- Company logo on program thank you page
- Company logo and link on SBC website
Silver Level-$5,000 |
Opportunities |
Benefits |
Exclusive Opportunities
Beverage/Coffee Station in the Exhibit Hall
Recycling Stations (2 Available)
Shared Opportunities
- Exhibit Hall Luncheons (5 Per day)
- Thursday Night Networking Reception (5 Available)
- 2 full-conference registrations;
- Signage at booth in exhibit hall
- Company logo on event signage,
- Company listing on program thank you page
- Company logo and link on SBC website
Bronze Level-$3,000 |
Opportunities |
Benefits |
Exclusive Opportunities
- Mobile Phone Charging Locker (2 Available)
Express Registration Kiosk (4 Available)
Shared Opportunities
- Continental Breakfast on Thursday (6 per day)
- Continental Breakfast in the exhibit Hall on Friday ( 6 per day)
- Speaker Ready Room (5 Available)
- Snack Break in the Exhibit Hall (5 per day)
- 1 full-conference registration;
- Company logo on event signage,
- Company listing on program thank you page
- Company logo and link on SBC website
Brass Level-$1,500 |
Opportunities (Open to Small Businesses Only) |
Benefits |
Exclusive Opportunities just for Small Businesses!
Shared Opportunities
- Education Session Track (Only 1 Track Available)
- Name Badge Recycle Bins (3 Available)
- Coat Check & Baggage Hold( 4 Available)
- One (1) full conference registration
- Company logo on event signage
- Company listing included on program thank you page
- Company logo and link on SBC website
Additional Marketing Opportunities |
Conference Bag Stuffing: Share information about your company's goods and services to all SBC attendees! Provide a marketing piece for insertion in the conference bags that each attendee receives at registration. Company is responsible for all printing and shipping costs.
Small Business Passport Page:
Guarantee traffic to your booth by purchasing a page in the passport and share pertinent information on your company with the more than 3,000 expected attendees at the conference. (Small Businesses Only) |