Small Business Awards
Do you know a business that has demonstrated efforts to support small business programs on federal agency contracts? Or has an individual inspired you through example as an outstanding spokesperson and advocate for small business? If you answered yes, they deserve to be recognized! Submit a nomination for consideration! Nominations are due October 1, 2019! Follow the link to learn more about the SAME SBC Awards Programs and Recognition and the requirements for creating the best applicant proposal.
The individual or business will be recognized among peers at SBC on Thursday, November 21, 2019 during the morning general session from 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
The SAME Small Business Awards is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of small businesses, individuals who work as advocates for furthering small business interests, and large businesses that work to strengthen and support small business. Four awards will be given out during the 2019 SBC. The Small Business Award and Large Business Award recognize eminent contributions from businesses within the A/E/C industry. The Industry Small Business Advocate and Post Small Business Liaison Officer awards recognize exemplary contributions from individuals.