Service Centers


SAME HQ has put together online "Service Centers" to help you coordinate and enhance your SBC experience.

Whether you're an Exhibitor, Speaker, or Individual Attendee, we have a Service Center for you that will make your SBC experience far more efficient. Click on title of the Service Center below that is most representative of your role at SBC.

Exhibitor Service Center

The Exhibitor Service Center offers online features to assist exhibitors in their pre-show planning. Some items may require login information for security purposes. Click here to be directed to the Exhibitor Service Center.


Speaker Service Center

The Speaker Service Center is designed to assist speakers in preparing for their sessions. You can update your profile, provide a bio, change the topic name and coordinate your schedule around speaking engagements.  Click here to be directed to the Speaker Service Center.


Attendee Service Center

The Attendee Service Center (ASC) is a great feature that allows you to update your individual attendee registration, access documents and more. The ASC is different than the exhibitor or speaker service centers; ASC helps manage your individual registration. Click here to be directed to the Attendee Service Center.