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C3X Educational Sessions
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Speaker's Name
Alex, Sojo
Arthenayake, Kavinda
Ashley, Rosie
Behrens, Mara
Berkey, Bart
Bibo, Jonathan
Bonetati, Thomas
Bradie, Christopher
Brady, Kraig
Bryant, Laura
Bunde-Dunn, Kara
Cain, Jessica
Campbell, Susannah
Carter, Randolph
Clear, Mike
Clements, Adele
Clemmer, MHRM, CASP, Jerry
Curtis, Ellen
Diaz, John
Dotts, Caroline
Dover, Jeff
Ellow, Josh
Ens, Tracey
Gaither, Shawn
Goss, Magdalena
Grant, Jermain
Grover, Buz
Haggett, Eric
Hall, Buddy
Hauff, Joel
Hayes, Kathleen
Healey, Patrick
Hershman, Richard
Hicks, Anita
Hoffman, Amy
Huebler, CASP, Deborah
Hulehan, Roy
Jackson, CASP, Brett
Jackson, CASP, Erica Brett
Johnson, Andrea
Johnson, Brian
Kaufman, Robert
Kelly, Casey
Kist, Emily
Leetham, Lorlie
Lenard, Eric
Levy, Jason
Lieb, David
Liming, Lori
Marchese, Will
McGee, William
Mehta, Sid
Mendoza, Alexcis
Messa, CASP, Emily
Nelson, Jeff
Paiotti, Jennifer
Parnigoni, Deb
Parr, Andrew
Pereira, Charles
Perkins, Mike
Reed, Christopher
Rettle, Kevin
Roebuck, Ann
Ross III, Frank E.
Royal, Shane
Rudick, Justin
Sackett, Christopher
Salem, Corey
Schneider, Megan
Shultz, Sasha
Spanton, Fatma
Stover, Amy
Strange, Tom
Sullivan, Van
Sweeney, John
Tennison, Ray
Toong, Ken
Valdez, Esmeralda
Van Den Kieboom, Jan
Vienna, Janine
Wincko, Kenneth
Woolf, Burt
Woolnough, Freeman
Zabroski, Brian
Student Success
Marketing & Communications
Revenue Generation
Innovative Technology
Operational Area
General Auxiliaries/Multiple Operations
Food Services
Card Services
Commercial & Retail
Automated Vending
Parking & Transportation
Mail & Print Services
Conference and Event Services
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Monday, November 09
Session Title
1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Facilitate Social Distancing on Campus: Leveraging Transact Mobile Technology
John Diaz
Christopher Bradie
Jennifer Paiotti
Innovative Technology
From IA to EA, Course Materials Evolution in 2020
Kara Bunde-Dunn
Thomas Bonetati
Trends and Strategies for Building Local Engagement on Campus
Sasha Shultz
Deb Parnigoni
Creating Opportunity Within Crisis
Ken Toong
Burt Woolf
Revenue Generation
Federal Policy Update and Election Outcomes - Impact for Higher Education
Richard Hershman
Megan Schneider
Maximizing Student Engagement with a Lifestyle Brand
Casey Kelly
Marketing & Communications
2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Building Facilities Communication, a Plan for Success
Will Marchese
Ellen Curtis
Marketing & Communications
Partnering With Auxiliary Partners During a Pandemic, Does it Matter?
Anita Hicks
Christopher Reed
Pivoting to Digital Delivery of Course Material
Kathleen Hayes
Sid Mehta
Innovative Technology
Semester Parking Permits? Or, Daily Choices?
David Lieb
Eric Haggett
Adele Clements
Revenue Generation
University of Calgary: Moving from a Declining Balance to AYCTE Meal Plan—A Successful Case Study
Jeff Dover
Shane Royal
Magdalena Goss
Revenue Generation
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Swipe Right for Innovation
Lori Liming
Andrea Johnson
Innovative Technology
Accepting and Embracing New Roles: Repurposing Your Staff in the Midst of Covid-19
Kavinda Arthenayake
Are You Bound by Your Technology? The Path to Changing Credentials
William McGee
Brett Jackson, CASP
Innovative Technology
Generating Revenue Through Sponsorships
Jason Levy
Laura Bryant
Revenue Generation
Tuesday, November 10
Session Title
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
College Store Innovators: How Self-Operated Stores Are Serving Customers In New & Better Ways
Jonathan Bibo
Revenue Generation
Customer Service CPR: How to Revive Auxiliary Programs
Emily Messa, CASP
Esmeralda Valdez
Getting Students into Community: Best Practices
Buddy Hall
Andrew Parr
Student Success
Managing Minors on Campus in the Age of COVID-19
Buz Grover
Jessica Cain
Reopen Salad Bars Safely: Sheridan College Shares How Food Robotics Enables Safe Self-serve on Campus
Tracey Ens
Mara Behrens
Innovative Technology
Wednesday, November 11
Session Title
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Great Days in New Ways! Using COVID-19 to Push Sustainability Forward
Van Sullivan
Holistic Student Life Experience Master Planning: Dining and Housing at Butler University
Sojo Alex
Jan Van Den Kieboom
Frank E. Ross III
Ray Tennison
How Clemson is Taking Campus Transit Past the Pandemic
Jermain Grant
Innovative Technology
Knowing The Score - Data Analysis for Immediate Impact
Jerry Clemmer, MHRM, CASP
Tom Strange
Innovative Technology
Leading and Growing During a Pandemic and Beyond
Brett Jackson, CASP
Randolph Carter
3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Data-Driven Innovation to Meet Consumer Needs
Christopher Sackett
Kenneth Wincko
John Sweeney
Reframing Change as an Opportunity for Innovation – Disrupting the Disrupted Campus Dining Market
Kevin Rettle
Susannah Campbell
Innovative Technology
Developing Your Mid-Level Auxiliary Services Managers
Janine Vienna
Caroline Dotts
In the Eye of the Storm: Reinventing Campus Operations (Housing, Dining, Facilities) and Managing Change
Brian Johnson
Setting the Bar for a Successful Campus Conference and Events Program
Corey Salem
Joel Hauff
Revenue Generation
Thursday, November 12
Session Title
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
Student Perspectives Today and Tomorrow
Emily Kist
Amy Stover
Student Success
Groundbreaking Technologies Elevate Mental Health Services on Campus
Amy Hoffman
Josh Ellow
Shawn Gaither
Robert Kaufman
Innovative Technology
Leveraging Your Data Using Business Analytics: From Analysis to Prediction
Erica Brett Jackson, CASP
Mike Perkins
Self-Op vs. Contract: A Strategic Framework for Analysis
Roy Hulehan
Eric Lenard
Kraig Brady
Ann Roebuck
The Secret of My Success: Campus Store Standards
Jeff Nelson
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
“I’m Feeling Stressed – Can I Get a Refund?”: Embedding Health Resources in Campus Housing
Freeman Woolnough
Student Success
Dining Dilemma: How to Adapt Marketing/Communications Strategies in a (Sometimes Scary) New World
Deborah Huebler, CASP
Alexcis Mendoza
Marketing & Communications
How the UCLA Store is Innovating EBT at checkout with NetSuite & Watchman Payment Systems
Mike Clear
Brian Zabroski
Patrick Healey
Innovative Technology
Rallying Support, It Takes An Olympic Effort
Lorlie Leetham
Fatma Spanton
Ellen Curtis
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
"You Can Do Anything For A Year"
Bart Berkey
Crisis Management: UH Dining's Response to COVID & Other Crises
Rosie Ashley
Charles Pereira
Print, Mail, and Courier Consolidation
Justin Rudick
Revenue Generation
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