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Welcome to the 2023 LACUE on-line booth sales!

Dear Potential 2023 Exhibitor:

The Board of Directors of the Louisiana Association of Computer Using Educators (LACUE) invite you to participate as an exhibitor at the 2023 Annual Conference which will be held Tuesday - Thursday, November 28 - November 30, 2023 in New Orleans at the Hyatt New Orleans. Setup will be on Monday November 27, 2023.

Pricing for exhibit space will be $1,000.00 per 10x10 booth and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. PLEASE NOTE - the ceiling in Elite Hall A is 10' and the ceiling in Elite Hall B is 15'4".

The LACUE Conference format provides ample time for our participants to visit with the exhibitors, thus giving you a chance to meet with key decision-makers in education. In 2023 over 800 educators participated in the LACUE Conference.

In addition to exhibiting at the conference, there are numerous sponsorship opportunities. Please review the information on all conference sponsorships when registering your 2023 booth.

We are looking forward to your participation as an exhibitor at the 2023 LACUE 37th Annual Conference. If you need additional information, please send an email to

Clint Miller
LACUE President