Opportunities to Sponsor

Become a Sponsor at DREAM 2019!
Sponsorships at DREAM 2019 offer a unique opportunity for your company to gain brand recognition and visibility with more than 220 Achieving the Dream institutions.

Customized Sponsorship Opportunities

Registration Package $25,000

Make a strong first impression by having your brand prominently visible as guests check in at registration. Sponsor’s name and logo will appear prominently on the registration counters. Sponsor will also receive recognition on tote bags, lanyards, and online registration.


Comprehensive Media Package $20,000

Help attendees gain access to conference sessions onsite and remotely by sponsoring the conference wi-fi and mobile app. Sponsor will receive recognition for complimentary wi-fi on the projection screens in concurrent session meeting rooms and signage. Sponsor’s name and logo will also appear on the landing page of the conference mobile app.

Click here to view the key dates and deadlines for DREAM 2019 sponsorships.

Click here to view the guidelines for corporate presentations.


For additional information about these and other opportunities, please contact Khalisa Jacobs, Director of Development at kjacobs@achievingthedream.org or 240-450-3815.

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