The ATD Equity Institute

The ATD Equity Institute: Developing a Single-Minded Focus on Equity

Tuesday, February 19
7:30 am - 4:00 pm

Due to overwhelming demand, the ATD Equity Institute has SOLD OUT. We appreciate the interest in the first institute and look forward to providing additional events around this important topic.

During this interactive day-long institute, institutional teams will engage in learning opportunities and activities to develop a deeper understanding of what equity means, what it looks like in practice and how it is manifested or stifled on their campuses. Teams will engage in conversations around equity challenges impeding the success of their students and brainstorm practical solutions that empower all members of the college community. Institutions boldly addressing their own equity challenges will share their strategies, obstacles, and outcomes. Teams will be challenged to engage with new tools to use in their own equity strategy.

Our special speaker, Dr. Shaun R. Harper, is an expert on race, campus climates, and student success in higher education. Dr. Harper is a Provost Professor in the Rossier School of Education and the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. He also is the Clifford and Betty Allen Chair in Urban Leadership, founder and executive director of the USC Race and Center, and a past president of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Dr. Harper’s research focuses primarily on racial and gender equity in postsecondary contexts. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and other academic publications. His research has been cited in more than 10,000 published studies across an array of academic disciplines. The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Chronicle of Higher Education, and over 11,000 news outlets have quoted Professor Harper and featured his research. He has interviewed on CNN, ESPN, and NPR, and has been recognized in Education Week as one of the 10 most influential scholars in the field of education.

By the end of the institute, teams will develop an equity vision that describes the experience they want for their incoming Fall 2019 students and leave with strategic and concrete next steps to implement when they return to campus to move their vision forward.

Breakfast and lunch are included. Registrants receive a 15% discount when attending both DREAM 2019 and the ATD Equity Institute. See fees below.

Who Should Attend?

We strongly encourage teams of 2-5 individuals per institution to attend to maximize the value of the working times and activities built into the institute. Team can be comprised of individuals empowered to and/or interested in pursuing equity on their campus and may include:

· Senior administrators

· Diversity officers

· Student affairs officers

· Faculty leaders

· Institutional research leaders

· Diverse perspectives and experiences


Outline of the Day




7:30 am – 8:15 am

Continental Breakfast

8:15 am – 8:45 am

Opening Plenary Session

  • Welcome

  • Activity: Race Card Project

  • Purpose for the day, introduction of ATD staff supporting the day

  • Remarks from the President & CEO of Achieving the Dream

  8:45 am – 9:45 am

Keynote Address: Equity, How?
Speaker: Dr. Shaun Harper, Professor in the Rossier Schoold of Education at USC, and Executive Director of the USC Race & Equity Center

10:15 am – 10:30 am


11:00 am – 12:45 pm

Breakout Presentations 

5 Dimensions of Equity™ | A Journey to Re-Imagine Our College

Speakers: Maria Peña, Chief Diversity and Equity Officer and Ámbar Martínez

Executive Assistant to the Chief Diversity and Equity Officer, both at Everett Community College


Institutionalizing Justice: Developing a Social Justice and Equity Center

Speaker: Wendy Stewart, Dean of Counseling & Student Development, MiraCosta College


No Excuses Poverty Initiative - Eradicating Student Poverty Barriers Hindering Academic Success

Speakers: Cara Crowley, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives; and Jordan Herrera, Director of Social Services, both at Amarillo College

12:00 pm – 12:45 pm


12:45 pm – 2:00 pm

Breakout Workshops (choice of three)
Workshops designed and facilitated by the colleges that presented earlier to help teams begin to apply and use some of the info they learned. Attendees are encouraged to participate in the workshop facilitated by the college they saw present in the morning session.

Everett Community College: 5 Dimensions of Equity™

Facilitators: Maria Peña, Chief Diversity and Equity Officer and Ámbar Martínez

Executive Assistant to the Chief Diversity and Equity Officer, both at Everett Community College


MiraCosta College: Institutionalizing Justice and Deconstructing Boutique Programs

Facilitator: Wendy Stewart, Dean of Counseling & Student Development, MiraCosta College


Amarillo College: No Excuses Poverty Initiative - Eradicating Student Poverty Barriers Hindering Academic Success

Facilitator: Jordan Herrera, Director of Social Services, Amarillo College

2:00 pm – 2:15 pm

Coffee Break

2:15 pm – 4:00 pm

Facilitated Team Working Time

  Choice of one of three facilitated working sessions designed for college teams.

Crafting an Equity Statement to Guide Your Decisions

This workshop will help college teams begin to brainstorm the key components of an equity statement for their campus and develop a plan for finalizing the statement with their campus community. Participants will also be introduced to examples of how their statement can be used to develop a discussion guide to be used during their decision-making processes.

Facilitators: Francesca Carpenter, and Julia Lawton, both of Achieving the Dream


Developing an Equity Data Assessment for Your Campus

This workshop will provide examples and tools for college teams to contextualize to their own institutional environment to assess and proactively track the impact of their equity efforts on closing outcome and opportunity gaps. Participants will engage in activities to plan out ideas for how to continue refining their equity data assessment once back on campus as well as how it will be used and refined once complete.

Facilitator: Leon Hill, Strategic Data and Analytics Coach, Achieving the Dream


Professional Development Plans to Cultivate a Culture of Equity and Justice on Campus

This workshop will help college teams develop the beginnings of a professional development plan for their campus to move towards an institution-wide culture of equity. Teams will leave with tips, tools, and ideas for how to engage a broader group of individuals in their equity work.

  • Facilitator: Dr. Kathy Obear, President, The Center for Transformation and Change


Rates for the ATD Equity Institute
Receive a 15% discount when you register for both the ATD Equity Institute and DREAM 2019.


Fee, when Registering with
DREAM 2019 Attendance

Fee, when Registering for The Equity Institute Only

In-Network Colleges



Out-of-Network Attendees




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