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Pre-Conference Workshops

Pre-Conference Workshops are three- to six-hour sessions where practitioner experts facilitate a deep dive into effective practices to support your work and advance the field. Presentations focus attention on critical elements for advancing student success.

Pre-Conference Workshops Registration Fee: $175 per workshop unless otherwise noted.

Space is limited, please register today to reserve your seat.


9:00 am – Noon   Morning Pre-Conference Sessions

Designing Faculty Professional Development for Student Success
Centers for Teaching and Learning (and other faculty development programs) should be at the core of a college’s student success mission. This interactive workshop will be facilitated by experienced faculty and administrators who serve in faculty development roles. Join more about best practices in designing faculty development programs to engage your faculty in meaningful activities that improve classroom practice, develop reflective practitioners, build community, and positively impact student success. This workshop is ideal for those who are new to the faculty development field as well as those who are experienced and are interested in refining their college’s existing faculty development offerings..
Fee: $175.
  • Janine Graziano, Director, Kingsborough Center for Teaching and Learning, Kingsborough Community College
  • Jonathan Iuzzini, Director of Teaching & Learning, Achieving the Dream
  • Missi Patterson, Assistant Dean of Faculty Development and Professor of Psychology, Austin Community
  • Juliane Roybal, Director, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Employee Development, Gateway Community College
  • Maria Wise, Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, Gateway Community College

Developing a Culture of Civility, Inclusion & Empowerment through Emotional Intelligence

Creating a harmonious culture of inclusion and empowerment that allows people to operate to their full potential is critical to the success of any civil human organization. Emotional intelligence is key to unlocking the powerful potential and synergy that lies embedded in the deep human need to belong. We will have lots of fun using experiential learning activities to bring to life these principles whether you’re in the class room, board room, or locker room!

Presenter: David R. Katz III, Executive Director of Organizational Development, Mohawk Valley Community College

Fee: $175.

Leveraging ATD in Planning for Guided Pathways

This hands-on workshop will examine the approach and steps in planning for guided pathways, with a focus on the ways the ATD Institutional Capacity Framework, coaching visits and network support can facilitate the deep transformational change that guided pathways demands. Participants will identify the rationale for moving toward pathways, data necessary to support planning, and strategies for building on and integrating existing student success initiatives. This workshop is ideal for colleges considering pathways or in the early stages of planning that want to leverage their participation in ATD to support improved student outcomes.


  • Diane Troyer, ATD Data Coach
  • John Nixon, ATD Leadership Coach
Fee: $175.

9:00 am – 4:00 pm   Daylong Pre-Conference Sessions

Integrated Student Support Redesign Workshop (full-day)


Institutions across the country are redesigning their advising, planning, and non-academic supports to help students enter and stay on the path to reach their academic and career goals.  An Integrated Student Support Approach (or Student Support Redesign) promotes and sustains long-term proactive, holistic, and personalized academic and non-academic support experience for every student. Integrating the use of data, technology, and meaningful human interaction, the approach supports broad reforms to structures, processes, and behaviors in relation to the student support function of higher education institutions. This hands-on, full-day working session is designed to prepare your institution to transform your advising and student support services to promote an integrated and personalized student experience.  Participants will receive a hard copy of ATD's Integrated Student Support Redesign Toolkit and will engage in meaningful discovery and strategy planning working sessions.  This full-day workshop is geared toward institutions that did not participate in ATD's October 2017 Institute and are eager for exposure to the foundational knowledge about integrated student support redesign as well as the tools, templates, and resources that they can leveraged to advance their college's redesign work.  Lunch provided.

Presenter: Mei-Yen Ireland, Director of Integrated Student Support Strategies, Achieving the Dream
Fee: $325, for morning and afternoon sessions.


One Flat Tire Away from Dropping Out: Putting Students at the Center of Student Supports
Do you have students who are hungry, in need of transportation, child care, emergency funds, or other non-academic support services? Are you integrating Guided Pathways into your campus culture and seeking ways to effectively bundle together just-in-time services to help empower your most at-risk students to persist? Has performance-based funding got your campus struggling to unclog the pipeline of students stuck somewhere short of certificate and degree completion? This interactive, hands-on workshop will examine the various challenges many of our community college students face and will provide an overview of practical ways we can guide you with redesigning your institution’s culture, and integrating services to better serve students. Because ATD and its network of colleges have learned that isolated interventions do not produce significant gains in student success goals, ATD is using lessons from the Working Students Success Network (WSSN) to actively engage institutional staff in building students’ financial health and stability. You will hear directly from WSSN colleges about their experiences integrating internal and external academic and support services in ways that effectively improved student success, and have the opportunity to reflect and discuss how your own campus could benefit from the lessons learned by your colleagues. This workshop will also preview how colleges can merge these approaches with other related initiatives focused on student success, including opportunities available for getting help with planning and rolling out integrated student supports at their college.

Bonus: All workshop attendees will receive the NEW Achieving the Dream Toolkit focused on creating institutional change through providing integrated non-academic supports to students.

  • Diane Thompson, Director, Student Services, Porterville College, California
  • Christy Yaple, Director, Student Success Center, Patrick Henry Community College, Virginia
  • Edie Blakeley, Director, Career Services, Clark College, Washington
  • Cindy Lenhart, Senior Fellow, Achieving the Dream
  • LaShawndra Thornton, Associate Director, Achieving the Dream
  • Jean Petty, Higher Education Consultant/Working Student Success Network College Coach
  • Marvin De'Jear, Director, Evelyn K Davis Center for Working Families

Fee: $325.

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm   Afternoon Pre-Conference Sessions

Culturally Responsive Teaching: Training for Equity and Institutional Change

The work of developing cultural literacy for faculty, staff, and administrators has never been more urgent. Because our perceptions, interpretations, beliefs, and knowledge are framed by our experiences, engaging in self-reflective processes facilitates an increased understanding of the experiences, needs, and beliefs of others, resulting in a more inclusive environment for our students. This interactive session will introduce participants to the Community College of Baltimore County’s (CCBC) nationally recognized Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) program, which has been delivered to thousands of faculty, staff, and students over the past thirteen years. In addition to experiencing an abridged CRT core module, participants will learn about the foundational theory upon which CRT rests; the innovative, interactive, and introspective practices employed by CCBC’s CRT team; and, how CRT can be put into practice. The relationship between quantitative data and its qualitative roots will be discussed with an emphasis on the need for colleges and universities to invest time and resources in grassroots initiatives in order to produce quantifiable outcomes.


  • Jadi Omowale, Assistant Professor, English, Community College of Baltimore County
  • David Truscello, Professor, English, Community College of Baltimore County
  • John Lawton, Coordinator of Intercultural Engagement, Community College of Baltimore County

Fee: $175.

Empowering Students through Math Pathways

High quality mathematics pathways empower students as mathematical learners, enable them to pursue their goals and prepare them for careers. The Charles A. Dana Center and Carnegie Math Pathways work across a number of states and institutions to support the effective implementation of mathematics pathways that allow all students to take mathematics courses aligned with their program of study and earn college level math credit in their first year. Workshop participants will build an understanding of math pathways, identify steps in the implementation process, learn about resources available, and explore how a learning network can support their efforts. This workshop is appropriate for institutions starting to think about math pathways or those looking to expand small-scale efforts. The workshop is targeted to mathematics faculty and administrators. We highly recommend that institutions send teams of two or more.


  • John Hamman, Dean of Mathematics & Statistics, Montgomery College
  • Margo Keys, Vice President of Student Services, Chippewa Valley Technical College
  • Karon Klipple, Senior Director, Carnegie Math Pathways, WestEd
  • Aaron Altose, Mathematics Faculty, Cuyahoga Community College
  • Heather Ortiz, State Implementation Specialist, Charles A. Dana Center
  • Lance Phillips, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Tulsa Community College
  • Paula Talley, Implementation Lead, Charles A. Dana Center 

Fee: $175.

Engaging Adjunct Faculty in the Student Success Movement

Six Achieving the Dream (ATD) Leader Colleges have been engaged in a two-year Learning Initiative to address the opportunities and challenges colleges face in engaging part-time faculty in the student success agenda. Faculty and administrative representatives from these colleges will share accomplishments and lessons learned, and we will guide participants through exercises designed to help you adapt these practices for your own institutions. This workshop is designed for faculty members and other college leaders responsible for supporting adjunct faculty, and we will share successful practices that serve to enhance classroom instruction; improve hiring, retention, and recognition of adjunct faculty; and better connect these faculty to your college’s student success efforts.

  • Michael Bates, Dean of Teaching, Learning, & Distance Education, Harper College
  • Susan Bickerstaff, Senior Research Associate, Community College Research Center
  • Octaviano Chavarin, Senior Research Assistant, Community College Research Center
  • Betsy Christensen, Adjunct Faculty, Department of English, Delta College
  • Dallas Dolan, Assistant Dean, Faculty Training and Development, Community College of Baltimore County
  • Colin Ferguson, Director of Enrollment Management, Patrick Henry Community College
  • Jonathan Iuzzini, Director of Teaching & Learning, Achieving the Dream
  • Sarah Redd, Science Faculty, Renton Technical College
  • Jennifer Roberts, Associate Vice President for Academic and Student Success, Community College of Philadelphia
  • Al Roth, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Mathematics, Renton Technical College

Fee: $175.

How to Build an Equity Plan for Your College

Equal opportunity and inclusive practices are common components of community colleges’ strategic plans. What is often lacking is a college-wide equity plan. The difference is based on the premise of equity vs. equality. Equal opportunity and inclusion statements focus on enhancing equality of opportunity, recruiting minorities and engaging in other non-discriminatory practices. Conversely, equity plans focus on increasing access, closing the achievement gap and eliminating institutional barriers to completion. Colleges know diversity and equity efforts are important because they are fundamental to driving quality and excellence on campus. Colleges are also increasingly aware that equity issues encompass race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, nationality, religion and other dimensions.

  • Julianna Barnes, President, Cuyamaca College, CA
  • Mohammed Bey, Director, Diversity and Inclusion, Title IX Coordinator, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College

Fee: $175. 

Beyond Cost: Improving Student Engagement with OER-Enabled Pedagogy

When faculty adopt open educational resources (OER), students save hundreds of dollars each semester. This cost savings is often what first attracts the attention of faculty and students. However, there is much more to OER than merely free resources. By definition, OER provides users with “permission” to engage in the "5R activities": retain (a copy for themselves), reuse (the course content), revise (and update the content), remix (with other open content), and redistribute (to other students, faculty, institutions, etc.). Permission, which is illegal when it comes to published materials, opens new pedagogical possibilities for faculty and students. This workshop is for community college faculty currently teaching with OER who want to explore the deeper, pedagogical advantages of using openly licensed materials; faculty interested in using OER who want to investigate the full range of possibilities of OER adoption; and college administrators and academic leaders interested in acquiring direct experience with OER to gain a deeper understanding of how OER adoption and use can support a college's long-term student success goals.

In this workshop, we will: define open educational resources (OER); describe the 5R activities that faculty and students are permitted to engage in with regard to OER; connect the 5R activities to pedagogical frameworks, such as Papert's constructionism; review examples of "renewable assignments”; design a renewable assessment with OER; and, discuss the Designing with OER (DOER) Network and Fellows program. The DOER Network is a community of leaders interested in OER-enabled pedagogy.

  • David Wiley, Chief Academic Officer, Lumen Learning
  • Richard Sebastian, Director, OER Degree Initiative, Achieving the Dream

Fee: $175.

Spring (Data) Cleaning: Maximizing Your Information Quality

Every college, small and large, faces a barrage of data to process and ultimately turn into insights. With many institutional research professionals having to hold a number of different roles, professionals have limited time to assess data quality and create simple yet compelling insights.

This workshop, geared toward Institutional Research (IR) professionals at small institutions or those new to the data field, will empower attendees with various tips and tricks to detect and clean common data issues using Excel. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data samples for group problem-solving and clean up. Ultimately, attendees will leave with a better command of how to use Excel to not only ensure quality inputs, but also think more effectively through a data governance lens about the insights needed to guide student success.

  • Elayne Reiss, Director of Research, Achieving the Dream
  • Nancy Showers, Data Coach, Achieving the Dream and Executive Director of Planning, Quality, and Accreditation, Oakland Community College

Fee: $175.


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