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ATD's virtual Equity and Justice Institute will explore the intersection of equity and justice within higher education, spotlighting the vital role community colleges play in social and economic mobility for the diverse communities they serve, including those who are minoritized, marginalized, and justice impacted. Join us to examine the connection between justice work and equity work and how community colleges can help individuals impacted by the justice system.

ATD is excited to announce that as the result of a generous gift from our sponsor Ascendium and our desire to expand the reach of the institute, we will now be offering it at no cost to attendees.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this summit, attendees will be able to:

  • Enhance their existing knowledge of how to promote equity within their own organizations
  • Understand how federal policies influence justice-impacted students and higher education within prisons
  • Gain familiarity with how current HEP (higher education in prison) programs are structured to better support justice-impacted students
  • Identify strategies to build and navigate partnerships within the community to enhance the college experience of marginalized, minoritized, and justice-impacted students
  • Engage in peer discussions and share strategies for navigating diversity, equity, and inclusion restrictions in order to support community college students


Wednesday, May 1, 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. ET 
Virtual interactive sessions begin with an opening
keynote address by Syrita Steib

Syrita Steib is the founder of Operation Restoration, a New Orleans-based nonprofit that works to support women and girls impacted by incarceration in recognizing their full potential, restoring their lives, and discovering new possibilities. She is recognized nationally for her work on dismantling the legal system and removing barriers for women and girls impacted by incarceration while transitioning back into the community. 

Dr. Shaun Harper will provide an address to close out the first day of the conference. He  is a professor of education, business, and public policy at the University of Southern California. He also is the Clifford and Betty Allen Chair in Urban Leadership, founder and executive director of the USC Race and Equity Center, and a past president of the American Educational Research Association. Dr. Harper has published 12 books and over 100 academic papers, mostly on DEI-related topics. He also has worked with more than 400 K-12 schools, higher education institutions, businesses, and government agencies.

Thursday, May 2, 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. ET 
Virtual interactive sessions begin with a student panel and conclude with a closing keynote by Dr. Stanley Andrisse.

Dr. Stanley Andrisse is the executive director and founder of From Prison Cells to PhD, an organization that provides mentoring and educational counseling to currently and formerly incarcerated men and women to help them build their careers, rather than obtain temporary employment. In addition, Dr. Andrisse serves as the vice president of the board for the Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates Network. 

What is included at the ATD Equity and Justice Institute?

The program features: 

  • Keynote speakers in the field of equity and justice 
  • Engaging and interactive content sessions designed to deepen your understanding and application of equitable practices 
  • Tailored peer-learning sessions crafted to align with your specific role, fostering collaborative growth and shared expertise 

Who should attend?

Community college faculty, staff, and administrators who are committed to equity and ensuring success for minoritized, marginalized, and justice-impacted students will benefit from attending this institute.   

The institute is targeted to individuals in the following roles:

  • Student affairs professionals
  • Academic affairs professionals
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion officers
  • Faculty 
  • Cabinet and mid-level leadership positions
  • Institutional research, institutional effectiveness, research and planning, and information technology team members

Registration Fees

Registration is complimentary for the ATD Equity and Justice Institute and includes access to all virtual sessions taking place May 12, 2024. We encourage teams to attend.

Please note: Zoom links for the sessions will be emailed to all attendees the week prior to the Institute. Closed captioning will be provided for all sessions.

The Equity and Justice Institute is sponsored by 


 Sponsorship Opportunities

Please contact Dayna Gilliard at dgilliard@achievingthedream.org or call 240-450-3805 for sponsorship opportunities.


Consent to Use Photographic Images

Registration and attendance at, or participation in, ATD meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to the use and distribution of the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of such events and activities by ATD and other third parties, including, but not limited to, the venue, the host city, and the host partner.

By registering for this event, you agree to receive messages for future events from Achieving the Dream. 


Achieving the Dream (ATD) is a partner and champion of more than 300 community colleges across the country. Drawing on our expert coaches, groundbreaking programs, and national peer network, we provide institutions with integrated, tailored support for every aspect of their work — from foundational capacities such as leadership, data, and equity to intentional strategies for supporting students holistically, building K–12 partnerships, and more. We call this Whole College Transformation. Our vision is for every college to be a catalyst for equitable, antiracist, and economically vibrant communities. We know that with the right partner and the right approach, colleges can drive access, completion rates, and employment outcomes — so that all students can access life-changing learning that propels them into community-changing career.


Register today!


Event Starts:
May 1, 2024
Event Ends:
May 2, 2024


