Wednesday, September 11, 2019
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Registration Open
PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (all require pre-registration to attend)
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
High-Impact Practices in Institutional Effectiveness
Dr. Terri Manning, Strategic Data and Technology Coach, Achieving the Dream (@AchieveTheDream)
Participants will learn about the following:
- Defining institutional effective and elements of best practices
- Using tools to facilitate an effective learning outcomes assessment process
- Identifying and developing outcome objectives for student services and administrative units
- Developing an effective planning team and set of planning processes
9:00 am - Noon
Leading Metrics for Guided Pathways
Jeremy Burnett, Dean of Faculty Support, Southwest Tennessee Community College (@SouthwestTN)
Dr. Rene Garcia, Data Coach, Achieving the Dream and former Director of Enrollment Management, Miami Dade College (@AchieveTheDream)
Susan Mayer, Chief Learning Officer, Achieving the Dream (@susanmayer1976 | @AchieveTheDream)
Dr. Devora Shamah, Director of Research, Achieving the Dream (@DrDShamah | @AchieveTheDream)
The Pathways Model is an integrated, institution-wide approach to student success based on intentionally designed, clear, coherent, and structured educational experiences, informed by available evidence, that guide each student effectively and efficiently from her/his point of entry through to attainment of high-quality postsecondary credentials and careers with value in the labor market.
Participants will learn about the following:
The dimensions, practices, and essential capacities of the pathways model
How to operationalize and assess progress implementing guided pathways using the open-source Scale of Adoption Assessment (SOAA) tool
Measures of “early momentum” that colleges can use to gauge whether institutional reforms are improving student outcomes and closing equity gaps including credit momentum, gateway momentum, and program momentum
Evidence supporting the use of these near-term, leading indicators
How to use surveys such as the Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) and the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and qualitative methods for insights on how students are experiencing guided pathways
Noon - 1:00 pm
Lunch for all pre-conference attendees
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Building Capacity in Data & Technology through an Equity Lens SOLD OUT!
Laurie Heacock, Senior Advisor, Data and Analytics, Achieving the Dream (@Laurie_edu | @AchieveTheDream)
Leon Hill, Strategic Data and Technology Coach, Achieving the Dream (@AchieveTheDream)
Jennifer Hill-Kelley, Holistic Student Supports Coach, Achieving the Dream (@AchieveTheDream)
Dr. Elayne Reiss, Director of Research, Achieving the Dream (@thedoctorell | @AchieveTheDream)
Data and technology form an essential component of the Achieving the Dream Institutional Capacity Framework; strength in this capacity area advances a culture of inquiry, evidence, and equity. Data and technology, however, is the area consistently scored lowest by institutions on the Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool (ICAT).
Participants will learn about the following:
Unpacking the Data & Technology Capacity Area of the Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool (ICAT) and Culture of Evidence questions while examining characteristics of high-capacity institutions
How to form an effective, cross-functional data team and strategic research agenda
Improving access to better data, including early momentum metrics, to help develop actionable insights and make informed decisions to support equitable student outcomes
Engaging people with data using storytelling and activities like data gallery walks that facilitate intentional group learning
Using provided capacity building resources and templates for key performance indicators, a data team charter, an executive briefing sheet and more!
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Welcome Reception
Thursday, September 12, 2019
7:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Registration Open |
7:30 am - 8:45 am
TCU Accreditation Discussion
(For TCU attendees that participated in the High-Impact Practices in Institutional Effectiveness pre-conference workshop)
8:00 am - 8:45 am
Continental Breakfast
9:00 am - 9:15 am
Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Karen Stout, President & CEO, Achieving the Dream
(@drkastout | @AchieveTheDream)
9:15 am - 10:15 am
Opening Keynote Address: Stay Calm. Lean In. Climb On.
Dr. Karen Stout, President & CEO, Achieving the Dream
(@drkastout | @AchieveTheDream)
10:15 am - 10:45 am
Coffee Break
Join us at the Knowledge Bar
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Effectively Evaluating Student Success Initiatives
Dr. Terri Manning, Strategic Data and Technology Coach, Achieving the Dream (@AchieveTheDream)
As institutions prepare to implement reforms to support equitable student outcomes, the development of an evaluation plan is essential. Evaluation not only supports the institution in monitoring and measuring the speed and scope of change, it generates information to support continuous learning and quality improvement.
Participants will learn about the following:
- Principles to guide evaluation
- How to prepare for an evaluation
- Who to engage in evaluation
- How to develop evaluation questions
- Considerations in data collection
- Strategies to summarize, communicate, and reflect on evaluation results
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Pathways 101: The Pathways Model
Amy Brown, Research Associate, Community College Research Center (@amybrowneduc | @CommunityCCRC)
Susan Mayer, Chief Learning Officer, Achieving the Dream (@susanmayer1976 | @AchieveTheDream)
As institutions prepare to implement reforms to support equitable student outcomes, the development of an evaluation plan is essential. Evaluation not only supports the institution in monitoring and measuring the speed and scope of change, it generates information to support continuous learning and quality improvement.
Participants will learn about the following:
- The history of pathways reform movement
- Design principles
- Essential practices along four pillars: clarify paths to student end goals; help students choose and enter a path; help students stay on a path; and ensure students are learning
- Pathways key performance indicators to track early momentum
- How to use the Scale of Adoption Assessment (SOAA) to assess your progress in implementing pathways
- Essential capacities for pathways reforms
- Evidence to support adoption of pathways to improve student outcomes
10:45 am - 11:45 am
Using Predictive Analytics for Good: Using Data to Improve Communication with Students
Iris Palmer, Senior Advisor for Higher Education and the Workforce, New America, (@irisonhighered | @newamerica)
Dr. George Makiya, Chief Data Officer, Broward College, (@makiyageorge | @BrowardCollege)
The misinterpretation and miscommunication of predictive model output can result in serious ethical breaches. This is particularly true when the individuals charged with interpretation and dissemination of the results fail to devise suitable communication strategies and approaches to minimize risk, create irreparable reputational damage to the institution, and harm students.
Participants will learn about the following:
- How to use data to improve communication with students
- Using predictive analytics for good, never harm
10:45 am - 11:45 am
A Systems Thinking Approach to Technology
Laurie Heacock, Senior Advisor, Data and Analytics, Achieving the Dream (@Laurie_edu | @AchieveTheDream)
Keith Myers, Senior VP, Client Development, CampusWorks (@CampusWorksInc)
Dr. Celeste Schwartz, VP for Information Technology & Chief Digital Officer, Montgomery County Community College (@mccc)
Colleges and universities must understand the intersection of people, process and technology in order to advance technology’s role in optimizing the student experience and achieving equitable student outcomes.
Participants will learn about the following:
- Topics and ares to consider prior to investing in technology
- Tips for technology integration
- Strategies on how to use technology to optimize the student experience through alignment with pathways
- Practical examples of how colleges overcame technology challenges and implemented student-centered solutions
- Resources available for use at your institution to strengthen your data and technology capacity
11:45 am - 12:45 pm
Networking Lunch
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The ABCs of Excellence: Achieving the Dream, Aspen, Baldrige, and Climb
Dr. Mike Flores, Chancellor of the Alamo Colleges District (@MikeFloresPHD)
Chancellor Flores will share the Alamo College District’s ongoing journey to achieve the highest level of student success and performance excellence which includes recognition as an Achieving the Dream Leader College, a 2019 Aspen Prize Rising Star, the 2018 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winner, and a partnership with the CLIMB Initiative.
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Refreshment Break
Join us at the Knowledge Bar
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Assessing Institutional Capacity for Mission Fulfillment and Student Success
Dr. Thomas Broxson, District Dean, Natural Sciences and Math, Pierce College (@tombroxson | @piercecollege)
Laurie Heacock, Senior Advisor, Data and Analytics, Achieving the Dream (@Laurie_edu | @AchieveTheDream)
Institutions may differ in size, mission, and other factors. What they share in common is the need to holistically serve their students and respond to emerging needs. The Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool (ICAT) is an online survey that institutions can use to provide actionable data in seven fundamental areas, including strategy and planning. This session will share the experience of Pierce College using the tool to gain insights, identify strengths and areas to bolster, facilitate conversation, and take concrete actions for transformative results.
Participants will learn about the following:
- The purpose and key functions of the Achieving the Dream Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool (ICAT) in order to understand its use in fulfilling organizational mission
- Identification of various stakeholder engagements with the ICAT in order to articulate the levels of impact of the data throughout an institution (district, campus, department, unit, individual).
- How to compare and contrast data-informed uses of the ICAT in order to apply evidence-based strategies at one's own organization
- Evaluation of examples of how data informed and connected institutional effectiveness, strategic planning, and reallocation of budget and professional development in order to strategically fulfill the organization's mission
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Connecting Students to the Institution: Starting Off Right
Jeremy Burnett, Dean of Faculty Support, Southwest Tennessee Community College (@SouthwestTN)
Dr. Rene Garcia, Data Coach, Achieving the Dream and former Director of Enrollment Management, Miami Dade College (@AchieveTheDream)
Dr. Devora Shamah, Director of Research, Achieving the Dream (@DrDShamah | @AchieveTheDream)
Moderator: Susan Mayer, Chief Learning Officer, Achieving the Dream (@susanmayer1976 | @AchieveTheDream)
Participants will learn about the following:
- The new access agenda: increasing enrollment of populations with low college-going rates
- Design principles to increase college readiness and smooth transitions for both high school students and returning adults
- Successful examples of evidence and equity-based pre-college advising and other outreach programs
- Strategic resource allocation to support early connections
- Promising practices for at-risk students, including Gateway to College, dual credit, summer bridge programs, and high school partnerships
- Metrics to measure impact of connecting students more effectively
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Why Your Institution Needs an Equity-Focused Research Agenda
Mohammed Bey, Director, Diversity & Inclusion, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (@NWTC)
Dr. Kelly Ball, Institutional Researcher, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (@NWTC)
Francesca Carpenter, Associate Director, OER Degree Initiative, Achieving the Dream (@fran0877 | @AchieveTheDream)
Leon Hill, Strategic Data and Technology Coach, Achieving the Dream (@AchieveTheDream)
Equity is an important tenet of the Achieving the Dream Institutional Capacity Framework. Through the Institutional Capacity Assessment Tool (ICAT), colleges self-assess their progress. Creating an equity-focused research agenda helps colleges understand issues and obstacles around student success. ATD colleges are not alone in understanding data and how to interpret it. Through the network, they are able to leverage expertise from others in the field solving challenging issues. Session participants will hear examples of how moving equity to the forefront in research conversations helps cultivate a stronger campus culture that meets the needs of all students.
Participants will learn about the following:
- The importance of equity-mindedness
- Key elements of the ATD Equity Statement
- Steps your institution can take to prepare an equity-based research agenda
- Sample equity insight metrics that can be adapted for your institution
- Strategies to cultivate a culture of equity at your institution
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Benchmarks that Matter Most: Measure Your Success and Demonstrate Accountability
Dr. Steven LaNasa, Director, National Higher Education Benchmarking Institute (@EdBenchmark)
Soon Merz Flynn, Vice President for Effectiveness and Accountability, Austin Community College District (@accdistrict)
Benchmarks reflect national best practices and help community colleges measure their performance against their peer groups and set meaningful and relevant standards - all with the end goals to improve efficiency, institutional effectiveness, and equitable student outcomes.
Participants will learn about the following:
- The benchmarking process
- Benchmarking considerations
- Benchmarks for credit and noncredit programs
- How to create national, regional, and peer comparison reports based on normed benchmarks
- Institutional examples of how benchmarking is used to demonstrate accountability, improve effectiveness, increase student success, and make informed decisions
3:45 pm - 4:45 pm
Demographics and The Demand for Higher Education
Dr. Nathan D. Grawe, Ada M. Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Social Sciences
Professor of Economics, Carleton College (@nathan_d_grawe)
Author, Demographics and The Demand for Higher Education
Nathan Grawe, author of Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, will examine how recent demographic shifts are like to impact demand for higher education and will explore practical guidance on how colleges, universities, and policymakers may respond to meet anticipated enrollment challenges.
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Data and Tech Connect Reception
Friday, September 13, 2019
7:30 am - 12:15 pm
Registration Open
7:30 am - 8:15 am
Continental Breakfast
8:00 am - 9:30 am |
Workshop for TCUs on Using NSC Data to Inform Strategy
For TCUs Only |
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Practical Assessments: Advice You Can Take Home
Samantha Richards, Director of Institutional Research and Assessment, Trident Technical College (@tridenttech)
Colleges often struggle with manageable and meaningful assessment processes. Creating an effective learning outcomes assessment process that is useful to faculty,that contains the most important measures and is disaggregated in ways to help programs improve instructional support for students is challenging. This session shares one college’s experience using learning outcomes assessment for improvements in institutional quality.
Participants will learn about the following:
- A brief history of Trident Technical College's assessment process and how they got where we are today
- How the college currently approaches assessment and how the new guidelines from its regional accreditor, SACSCOC, have changed the process
- How to assess if the process is really helpful for faculty and educational programs
- What the future of assessment looks like
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Pathway Early Momentum Metrics: Leading Indicators for Student Success and the Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP)
Michelle Blackwell, Manager of Data Partnerships, National Student Clearinghouse (@NSClearinghouse)
Eric Godin, Associate Vice President of State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) (@eegodin | @SHEEOed)
Laurie Heacock, Senior Advisor, Data and Analytics, Achieving the Dream (@Laurie_edu | @AchieveTheDream)
Nyema Mitchell, Associate Director, Learning Team, Jobs for the Future (JFF) (@jfftweets)
As institutions implement pathway reforms to support student progress and completion, they need key performance indicators that provide a better picture of the impact of reforms on students. Representatives from partner organizations in the Postsecondary Data Partnership will share insights on pathways reform, key performance indicators, and how the PDP is answering the call for better data.
Participants will learn about the following:
- Systems thinking approach to holistic student supports redesign
- Common barriers and loss points on the student experience from progress to completion
- Momentum strategies to support student progression and completion
- Key performance metrics to understand credit momentum and gateway momentum
- Evidence of the predictive value of short-term, early momentum metrics for improved student completion rates
- How to participate in the Postsecondary Data Partnership to collect, report, and use these early momentum, completion, and transfer metrics to monitor impact of implementing pathway reforms and support a culture of inquiry and evidence
8:30 am - 9:30 am |
Innovative Collaboration Session: Student Success by the Numbers
Ellyn Artis, Starfish Strategic Consulting Director, Starfish by Hobsons (@EllynArtis | @Starfish360)
All institutions collect data about their students, but many lack the tools and expertise to use that data to proactively support student success. Analytics tools provide access to reliable historical and predictive data to help administrators and front-line staff gain insight and take action. In this session, Ellyn Artis from Starfish by Hobsons and a higher education client will discuss using analytics tools to support your institution’s retention and completion goals.
Sponsored by Starfish by Hobsons
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Qualitative Research: Gaining an Understanding of the "Why"
Dr. Rene Garcia, Data Coach, Achieving the Dream and former Director of Enrollment Management, Miami Dade College (@AchieveTheDream)
Dr. Devora Shamah, Director of Research, Achieving the Dream (@DrDShamah | @AchieveTheDream)
Quantitative data helps us to understand the "what" about the student experience, but it is through the use of qualitative research that we can also understand the “why.” By incorporating the student voice through surveys, interviews, student focus groups, and through the analysis of text, we can gain insights on how to improve the student experience and remove barriers.
Participants will learn about the following:
- Strategies for understanding the why behind the student experience
- Resources for structured discussions with students
- Tools and resources to analyze narrative responses and leverage student voice effectively
9:30 am - 9:45 am
Coffee Break
Join us at the Knowledge Bar
9:45 am - 10:45 am
Effective Institutional Program and Unit Review Processes
Dr. Bobbie Frye, Executive Director of Institutional Research, Central Piedmont Community College (@cpcc)
This presentation shares the experience of one college's process of developing an effective administrative and student services unit review process.
Participants will learn about the following:
- Steps in the review process including data collected, assessments utilized, and milestones in an annual timeline
9:45 am - 10:45 am
The Workforce Playbook: Delivering Excellent Career and Technical Education
Brittney Davidson, Senior Program Manager, The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program (@AspenHigherEd)
Ben Barrett, Program Manager, The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program (@BenPBarrett | @AspenHigherEd)
Participants will learn about the following:
Essential workforce practices in four domains: (1) advancing a vision for talent development and economic mobility; (2) delivering high quality programs aligned to regional needs; (3) taking intentional action to support students’ career goals; and (4) developing employer partnerships
How to assess where your college is engaging in strong practices and where it has room for improvement
How to explore various methods (including the MIT Living Wage Calculator) to estimate the cost of living in your community or region and determine a wage rate to meet minimum standards of living
Examples of the strong practices in place at colleges such as Valencia College’s Accelerated Skills Training Programs
9:45 am - 10:45 am
You've Got the Power: How Microsoft Power BI Can Help Decision-Makers Gain Valuable Insights through Self-Service
Paul Felarca, Information Analyst, Broward College (@paulfelarca | @BrowardCollege)
Joe Kohler, Business Intelligence Developer, Broward College (@BrowardCollege)
Institutional stakeholders often seek data to help inform their decision-making. Quite often, due to the complexities of gathering data, this task is relegated to another department. Participants will see a demonstration of how interactive visualization tools like Microsoft PowerBI empower decision-makers to quickly obtain insights into their information on their own to support a culture of inquiry and evidence.
9:45 am - 10:45 am
Innovation: Moving from Buzzword to Reality
Dr. David Kowalski, Associate Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Innovation, Montgomery County Community College (@mccc)
This session will outline the case for adopting data-informed innovation as a core institutional tenet and will explore Montgomery County Community College’s (MC3) efforts around developing and implementing innovative structures and practices. The session will provide examples of successes and failures in MC3’s innovative journey, and will highlight how the data-innovation cycle is currently being used to address equity gaps. This session will also provide opportunities for engagement around future directions in educational innovation.
Participants will learn about the following:
An understanding of the case for investing in innovation as a means to promote equity and student success
Examples of approaches to institutional innovation
Data on successful and unsuccessful innovative initiatives
A model for thoroughly integrating data into the innovation lifecycle
11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Join the Conversation! How To Work Together to Help Students Achieve Equitable Outcomes
Francesca Carpenter, Associate Director, OER Degree Initiative, Achieving the Dream (@fran0877 | @AchieveTheDream)
Laurie Heacock, Senior Advisor, Data and Analytics, Achieving the Dream (@Laurie_edu | @AchieveTheDream)
Leon Hill, Strategic Data and Technology Coach, Achieving the Dream (@AchieveTheDream)
Jennifer Hill-Kelley, Holistic Student Supports Coach, Achieving the Dream (@AchieveTheDream)
Dr. Terri Manning, Strategic Data and Technology Coach, Achieving the Dream (@AchieveTheDream)
Facilitator: Susan Mayer, Chief Learning Officer, Achieving the Dream (@susanmayer1976 | @AchieveTheDream)
You’ve joined us the past two days to hear and learn about how to use data and metrics to design, assess and improve pathways implementation; high-impact practices for institutional effectiveness; and how to build data and technology capacity to support equitable student outcomes. The three streams converge to support comprehensive student success work and each of us has a critical role to play in this work.
This is the opportunity for you to reflect on your event experience, get answers to your questions, and join the conversation with a panel of Achieving the Dream coaches. The coaches will frame the conversation by sharing examples of how the event tracks align and how to apply the concepts you’ve heard so you gain a deeper understanding into the important takeaways and the opportunities you have to maximize your strategic role in this work.
By attending this wrap-up, you'll also have the opportunity to win some cool prizes!