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Museums Advocacy Day Registration Rates

Registration for Museums Advocacy Day 2024 is now closed. 

The registration structure for Museums Advocacy Day has been designed to minimize barriers to participation while ensuring the event continues to be sustainable. While we estimate participation in Museums Advocacy Day to cost at least $300 per participant, the registration rates below are designed to be as affordable as possible for participants. Among these costs are development and production of advocate materials, contractor services for meeting scheduling and event registration, and rising costs for event spaces as well as food and beverage. We are grateful to the individuals and our partners whose financial support helps keep registration as affordable as possible and provides advocates access to the high-quality training and resources they need to effectively make the case for museums and have successful Congressional meetings.











Super Advocate



· Member $75 - As a benefit of AAM membership you have access to this deeply discounted registration rate to participate in Museums Advocacy Day. Includes access to all Museums Advocacy Day programming & events.

· Non-member $145 - You are not a member of AAM and require a significantly subsidized rate to participate in Museums Advocacy Day. Includes access to all Museums Advocacy Day programming & events.

· Sustainer $199 - You know the power of participating in Museums Advocacy Day and want to contribute more towards the cost of attending. Includes access to all Museums Advocacy Day programming & events.

· Champion $275 - You value participating in Museums Advocacy Day and can afford to cover nearly the full cost of the Museums Advocacy Day experience. Includes access to all Museums Advocacy Day programming & events.

· Super Advocate $349 - You know support for advocates is essential to a successful Museums Advocacy Day experience and want to help ensure that cost isn’t a barrier for others to participate. Includes access to all Museums Advocacy Day programming & events.